Posts Tagged ‘hiring practices’
2025 Predictions: Temporary Staffing
The U.S. economy demonstrated solid growth in 2024, with real GDP growth projected (in December) to be 2% or higher for the year. In November, the economy added +227,000 jobs and, across industries, temporary staff increased approximately 1.5%. This indicates solid job creation, which often correlates with increasing demand for temporary staff. Specifically, along with…
Read MoreWhat businesses have learned from managing and working remotely
With only a few weeks left before the end of summer, many businesses are still reeling from the challenge of working remotely. Managers and business owners alike have had the difficult task of trying to keep their business as normal as possible, all while supporting their teams now working in a new, disconnected environment and…
Read MoreHow to vet potential employees applying for remote work
Covid-19 has given many businesses a chance to reconsider the value of remote work. Whether some see it as temporary or others are viewing it as the wave of the future, businesses and staffing agencies mostly agree that there can be different skillsets found in those who thrive as remote employees as opposed to great…
Read MoreBenefits of Maintaining Strong Communication With Your Candidates Through A Crisis
Communicating with your candidates is always important, but maintaining strong communication with them during a crisis can set you apart from your competitors. Thanks to COVID-19, our economy came to a grinding halt in March, and businesses are facing unique challenges. On one hand, millions of businesses were deemed “non-essential” and were forced to close their doors, putting them in…
Read MoreHow to create a more employee-friendly work environment
Employee happiness has become increasingly important to success in business. Why? There is now growing evidence that when employees are happy, companies thrive. Consider these key statistics. According to Forbes Magazine, one study found that happy employees are up to 20% more productive than unhappy employees. When it comes to salespeople, happiness has an even…
Read MoreFinding the best temp candidates to meet employers’ expectations
On average, nearly 17 million temporary and contract employees work with America’s staffing companies during the course of a year, according to the American Staffing Association. In Pennsylvania, temporary help came primarily from engineering, IT, and scientific sectors (38%), health care (7%), industrial (17%), administrative and clerical office work (14%), and managerial (12%). At TriStarr,…
Read MoreVying for top candidates in a competitive job market
In the midst of chatter of an impending recession—Lancaster County continues to have a low unemployment rate of 3.3% as of September 2019. Though job prospects are as good as ever for job seekers, this historically low unemployment rate presents an added challenge to companies looking to fill open positions. As companies around the county…
Read More7 “don’ts” when recruiting employees
In several previous blog posts, we have provided guidance on effective steps to take when recruiting employees. In this post, we’ll focus on what not to do—mistakes to avoid—while referencing some of our past blog posts. In order to get the most out of your recruitment efforts and find the candidates you need, plan ahead.…
Read MoreHiring fast vs. hiring slow—recruiting employees can take too long!
The average amount of time for recruiting employees—from first posting to accepted offer—increased 62 percent at large global organizations from 2010 to 2015. The hiring time for white-collar positions reached, on average, 68 business days in 2015. That’s 26 days longer than in 2010.* Hiring can definitely take too long, dragging on for weeks and…
Read MoreUsing social media to recruit top-quality job candidates
The days of taking out ample space in the newspaper classifieds to tout an in-demand job opening may be just about over. As the world changes, recruitment strategies must stay aligned with the best options to reach the top job candidates. One way employers are connecting with new candidates is by using social media to…
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